Weight Loss Program
Kali Lo, R.H.N.S.
Kali graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science from University of Toronto. She is also a Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner. As Kali was overweight at one point of her life due to chronic stress, she truly understands the joys and challenges of her clients’ weight loss journeys. As well, Kali’s diligence in keeping her clients accountable for their successes makes her an outstanding weight loss coach.

Week 1: Pre-detox
To optimize gut health, start adopting healthy lifestyle habits, loosen up residual stools, repair cell membrane from esophagus to colon. To get the body ready for detox, minimize healing reactions.
Week 2: GI track Detox
To cleanse digestive system thoroughly – remove residual stools from colon, change taste bud.
Week 3: Liver Detox
To detox liver, boost immunity and hormonal balance.
Week 4: pH Balance
To neutralize acidic body environment.
Week 5 & 6: Maintenance
To gradually adapt to Low Glycemic Impact (LGI) eating habit and exercises – result in body composition change – loss in body fat and circumference, gain in lean muscle and hydration.
Week 1 & 2: Pre-detox
To optimize gut health, start adopting healthy lifestyle habits, loosen up residual stools, repair cell membrane from esophagus to colon. To get the body ready for detox, minimize healing reactions.
Week 3: GI track Detox
To cleanse digestive system thoroughly – remove residual stools from colon, change taste bud.
Week 4: Liver Detox
To detox liver, boost immunity and hormonal balance.
Week 5 to 12: Fat Burning and Maintenance
pH Balance
To neutralize acidic body environment.
Fat Burning
To gradually adapt to Low Glycemic Impact (LGI) eating habit and exercises
– body composition change : loss in body fat and circumference, gain in lean muscle and hydration.
Damage Control
To educate on related topics like ‘How to read labels’, ‘Good Fat, Bad Fat’, ‘Good Carb, Bad Carb’.